Package com.valgolang.frontend.datastructures.binarytree


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sealed class BinaryTreeNodeAccess : ExpressionNode, AssignLHS
Binary tree node accessRepresents access to a node in a binary tree
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data class BinaryTreeNodeElemAccessNode(lineNumber: Int, identifier: String, accessChain: List<DataStructureMethod>) : BinaryTreeNodeAccess
Binary tree node elem access nodeRepresents access to a nodes in a binary tree e.g.
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data class BinaryTreeNodeType(internalType: Type) : DataStructureType, NullableDataStructure
Binary tree node typeRepresents nodes that make up a binary tree
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data class BinaryTreeRootAccessNode(lineNumber: Int, identifier: String, elemAccessNode: BinaryTreeNodeElemAccessNode) : BinaryTreeNodeAccess
Binary tree root access nodeRepresents access to the root of a binary tree wrapper type class
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data class BinaryTreeType(internalType: Type) : DataStructureType
Binary tree typeRepresents the type for a binary tree (wrapper type for a node)